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name  ConfIDentMetadataSchema
since  2020-04-15
updated  2024-08-07
copyright  ConfIDent project




# Context:ConfIDentMetadataSchema
ConfIDentMetadataSchema isA Context
"ConfIDentMetadataSchema" is name of it
"" is master of it
"2020-04-15" is since of it
# CiteSchema
CiteSchema isA Topic
"CiteSchema" is name of it
"CiteSchemas" is pluralName of it
"A CiteSchema is a schema of references Schemas" is documentation of it
"A CiteSchema is a schema of references Schemas" is wikiDocumentation of it
"File:CiteSchema.png" is icon of it
"/images/rq/9/90/CiteSchema.png" is iconUrl of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
"ConfIDentMetadataSchema" is context of it
CiteSchema_name addsTo it
CiteSchema_type addsTo it
CiteSchema_iri addsTo it
# properties of CiteSchema
# property name
CiteSchema_name isA Property
"name" is name of it
"name" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
1 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
true is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The name of the CiteSchema" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"CiteSchema" is topic of it
# property type
CiteSchema_type isA Property
"type" is name of it
"type" is label of it
"Page" is type of it
2 is index of it
2 is sortPos of it
false is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The type of the CiteSchema" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"CiteSchema" is topic of it
# iri
CiteSchema_iri isA Property
"iri" is name of it
"iri" is label of it
"Internationalized Resource Identifier" is documentation of it
"[ Internationalized Resource Identifier] is a [ Uniform Resource Identifier(URI)] with a greatly expanded set of permitted characters" is wikiDocumentation of it
"URL" is type of it
3 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
120 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
false is isLink of it
"CiteSchema" is topic of it
# SchemaProperty
SchemaProperty isA Topic
"SchemaProperty" is name of it
"SchemaProperties" is pluralName of it
"A SchemaProperty is a property of a CiteSchema" is documentation of it
"A SchemaProperty is a property of a CiteSchema" is wikiDocumentation of it
"File:SchemaProperty.png" is icon of it
"/images/rq/c/c8/SchemaProperty.png" is iconUrl of it
"subobject" is defaultstoremode of it
"ConfIDentMetadataSchema" is context of it
SchemaProperty_id addsTo it
SchemaProperty_name addsTo it
SchemaProperty_type addsTo it
SchemaProperty_kind addsTo it
SchemaProperty_iri addsTo it
SchemaProperty_cardinality addsTo it
SchemaProperty_definition addsTo it
SchemaProperty_allowedValue addsTo it
SchemaProperty_examples addsTo it
SchemaProperty_parent addsTo it
SchemaProperty_mapsTo addsTo it
SchemaProperty_comment addsTo it
# properties of CiteSchema
# property id
SchemaProperty_id isA Property
"id" is name of it
"id" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
1 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
true is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The id of the SchemaProperty" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"SchemaProperty" is topic of it
# property name
SchemaProperty_name isA Property
"name" is name of it
"name" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
2 is index of it
2 is sortPos of it
false is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The name of the SchemaProperty" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"SchemaProperty" is topic of it
# property kind
SchemaProperty_kind isA Property
"kind" is name of it
"kind" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
3 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
"Entity,Property,SubProperty,Role" is allowedValues of it
"radiobutton" is inputType of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The kind of the SchemaProperty" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"SchemaProperty" is topic of it
# property type
SchemaProperty_type isA Property
"type" is name of it
"XSD type" is label of it
"Page" is type of it
4 is index of it
"category=XSD type" is values_from of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
60 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The xsd type of the SchemaProperty" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"SchemaProperty" is topic of it
# property iri
SchemaProperty_iri isA Property
"iri" is name of it
"iri" is label of it
"Internationalized Resource Identifier" is documentation of it
"[ Internationalized Resource Identifier] is a [ Uniform Resource Identifier(URI)] with a greatly expanded set of permitted characters" is wikiDocumentation of it
"URL" is type of it
5 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
80 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
false is isLink of it
"SchemaProperty" is topic of it
# property parent
SchemaProperty_parent isA Property
"parent" is name of it
"parent" is label of it
"parent element in the hierarchy" is documentation of it
"parent element in the hierarchy {{Link|target=Hierarchy}}" is wikiDocumentation of it
"Page" is type of it
6 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
"combobox" is inputType of it
"concept=SchemaProperty" is values_from of it
false is uploadable of it
true is isLink of it
"SchemaProperty" is topic of it
# property property
SchemaProperty_mapsTo isA Property
"mapsTo" is name of it
"maps to" is label of it
"the ConfIDent property this property maps to" is documentation of it
"the ConfIDent property this property maps to}" is wikiDocumentation of it
"Page" is type of it
7 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
"combobox" is inputType of it
"concept=SchemaProperty" is values_from of it
false is uploadable of it
true is isLink of it
"SchemaProperty" is topic of it
# property comment
SchemaProperty_comment isA Property
"comment" is name of it
"comment" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
8 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
300 is size of it
"textarea" is inputType of it
false is uploadable of it
"a comment on the property" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"SchemaProperty" is topic of it
# Context:ConfIDentMetadataSchema
ConfIDentMetadataSchema isA Context
"ConfIDentMetadataSchema" is name of it
"" is master of it
"2020-04-15" is since of it
# Platform
Platform isA Topic
"Platform" is name of it
"Platforms" is pluralName of it
"A Platform is a platform for scholarly communication which contains scholarly event metadata" is documentation of it
"File:Platform.png" is icon of it
"/images/rq/7/7d/Platform.png" is iconUrl of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
"ConfIDentMetadataSchema" is context of it
Platform_name addsTo it
Platform_responsible addsTo it
Platform_role addsTo it
Platform_type addsTo it
Platform_iri addsTo it
Platform_priority addsTo it
Platform_since addsTo it
Platform_wikidataid addsTo it
# properties of CiteSchema
# property name
Platform_name isA Property
"name" is name of it
"name" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
1 is index of it
1 is sortPos of it
true is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The name of the Platform" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Platform" is topic of it
# property responsible
Platform_responsible isA Property
"responsible" is name of it
"The organization (may be a person or other entity) reponsible for running this platform" is documentation of it
"responsible" is label of it
"URL" is type of it
false is mandatory of it
false is primaryKey of it
"Platform" is topic of it
# property type
Platform_type isA Property
"type" is name of it
"type" is label of it
"Page" is type of it
2 is index of it
2 is sortPos of it
false is primaryKey of it
true is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The type of the Platform" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Platform" is topic of it
# role
Platform_role isA Property
"role" is name of it
"role" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
3 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
"source,-" is allowedValues of it
"radiobutton" is inputType of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The role of the Platform" is documentation of it
false is isLink of it
"Platform" is topic of it
# iri
Platform_iri isA Property
"iri" is name of it
"iri" is label of it
"Internationalized Resource Identifier" is documentation of it
"[ Internationalized Resource Identifier] is a [ Uniform Resource Identifier(URI)] with a greatly expanded set of permitted characters" is wikiDocumentation of it
"URL" is type of it
3 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
120 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
false is isLink of it
"Platform" is topic of it
# property name
Platform_priority isA Property
"priority" is name of it
"priority" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
4 is index of it
false is primaryKey of it
false is mandatory of it
50 is size of it
false is uploadable of it
"The priority of the Platform" is documentation of it
"+,o,-" is allowedValues of it
"radiobutton" is inputType of it
false is isLink of it
"Platform" is topic of it
# since
Platform_since isA Property
"since" is name of it
5 is index of it
"2000-01-01" is defaultValue of it
"The date the platform was started" is documentation of it
"datepicker" is inputType of it
"since" is label of it
false is mandatory of it
false is primaryKey of it
"Platform" is topic of it
# property wikidataid
Platform_wikidataid isA Property
"wikidataid" is name of it
"WikiData Id" is label of it
"The WikiData Id of this platform" is documentation of it
"External Identifier" is type of it
false is mandatory of it
false is primaryKey of it
"Platform" is topic of it
# TopicLinks
SchemaProperty_partOf isA TopicLink
"partOf" is name of it
"schema" is sourceRole of it
false is sourceMultiple of it
"CiteSchema" is source of it
"properties" is targetRole of it
true is targetMultiple of it
"SchemaProperty" is target of it