Book Experiment

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Please note that the MetaModel and Infrastructure contexts have been given as an example earlier in the chat history ...

Create a context for {{  Book  |  Lord of the Rings  |  0261102389  }}

Claude AI

# Book Context
Book isA Context
"Book" is name of it
"2024-08-07" is since of it
"2024-08-07" is updated of it
"" is master of it
"©2024 Example Organization" is copyright of it
"property" is storemode of it

# Book Topic
Book isA Topic
"Book" is name of it
"Books" is pluralName of it
"A published work of literature" is documentation of it
"File:Book.png" is icon of it
"/images/3/3a/Book.png" is iconUrl of it
"property" is defaultstoremode of it
"Book" is context of it

# Properties of Book
Book_title addsTo it
Book_ISBN addsTo it
Book_author addsTo it
Book_publicationDate addsTo it
Book_publisher addsTo it
Book_genre addsTo it

# property title
Book_title isA Property
"title" is name of it
"title" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
1 is index of it
true is mandatory of it
"The title of the book" is documentation of it
true is showInGrid of it
"Book" is topic of it

# property ISBN
Book_ISBN isA Property
"ISBN" is name of it
"ISBN" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
2 is index of it
true is mandatory of it
"The International Standard Book Number" is documentation of it
true is showInGrid of it
"Book" is topic of it

# property author
Book_author isA Property
"author" is name of it
"author" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
3 is index of it
"The author of the book" is documentation of it
true is showInGrid of it
"Book" is topic of it

# property publicationDate
Book_publicationDate isA Property
"publicationDate" is name of it
"publicationDate" is label of it
"Date" is type of it
4 is index of it
"The date of publication" is documentation of it
true is showInGrid of it
"Book" is topic of it

# property publisher
Book_publisher isA Property
"publisher" is name of it
"publisher" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
5 is index of it
"The publisher of the book" is documentation of it
"Book" is topic of it

# property genre
Book_genre isA Property
"genre" is name of it
"genre" is label of it
"Text" is type of it
6 is index of it
"The genre of the book" is documentation of it
"Book" is topic of it

# Instance: Lord of the Rings
LordOfTheRings isA Book
"Lord of the Rings" is Book_title of it
"0261102389" is Book_ISBN of it
"J.R.R. Tolkien" is Book_author of it
"Fantasy" is Book_genre of it

⚠️ LLM-generated content notice: Parts of this page may have been created or edited with the assistance of a large language model (LLM). The prompts that have been used might be on the page itself, the discussion page or in straight forward cases the prompt was just "Write a mediawiki page on X" with X being the page name. While the content has been reviewed it might still not be accurate or error-free.