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File:AC.pngACACACsan acceptance criterion


an acceptance criterion

Example ACs



AC ACidunique id for this AC, technical keyTypes/TextACidACid
AC ACnumberhierarchical number of this AC, understandable keyTypes/TextACnumberACnumber
AC RQProfilenamename of this profile of requirementsTypes/TextRQProfilenameRQProfilename
AC RQnameName der AnforderungenTypes/TextRQnameRQnamefalse
AC RQnumberhierarchical number of this requirement, understandable keyTypes/TextRQnumberRQnumber
AC accDatedate when the ac was accepted by the responsible personTypes/DateaccDateaccDate
AC acceptanceIs the responsible person willing to do this ac or not, are there questions? (new, accepted, rejected, question)Types/Textacceptanceacceptancefalse
AC actionaction that is triggered to check this acceptance testTypes/Textactionactiontrue
AC commenta comment for this acceptance criterionTypes/Textcommentcomment
AC descriptionthe description of this AK/documentTypes/Textdescriptiondescription
AC difficultyhow much effort is necessary for realizing this ac - A:much effort B:middle C:not very difficultTypes/Textdifficultydifficultyfalse
AC disabledthis AK shall be realized laterTypes/Booleandisableddisabled
AC donefinishedTypes/Booleandonedone
AC doneDatedate when this was doneTypes/DatedoneDatedoneDate
AC enteredBywho entered this acceptance criteriaTypes/TextenteredByenteredBy
AC enteredOnwhen was this acceptance test entered?Types/DateenteredOnenteredOn
AC expected resultthe result that is expected to consider this acceptance test passedTypes/Textexpected_resultexpected resulttrue
AC manualOnlyit frue this test can not be automated effectively - it has to be done manuallyTypes/BooleanmanualOnlymanualOnly
AC myRQmyRQTypes/PagemyRQmyRQ
AC nameshort name for this AKTypes/Textnamenametrue
AC ownerwho is in charge of this requirement and owns it - meaning that this person is willing to accept the implications of realizing this requirements in terms of cost, time and other follow-up resultsTypes/Textownerowner
AC projectthe name of the project which is responsible for the implementation of thisTypes/Textprojectprojectfalse
AC qualityAcceptancequality acceptance - date/ name/ commentTypes/TextqualityAcceptancequalityAcceptance
AC rejectionmarker that this Ak causes a rejection by the system or an errormessageTypes/Booleanrejectionrejection
AC responsiblewho is responsible for this ac?Types/Textresponsibleresponsiblefalse
AC situationsituation before the acceptance test startsTypes/Textsituationsituationtrue
AC statethe state of this AK, it can be new, verifyable, accepted or simulatedTypes/Textstatestatenew, verifyable, accepted, simulated


see also